Martin Stoev and his blockchain startup AdHash have declared war on the online giants of the advertising industry. They siphon off up to 70% of advertising spend, sometimes through illegal practices, harming not only advertisers but most importantly consumers. The co-founder and CEO gives sensitive insights into the ad tech industry, his fight against the internet giant Google and presents solutions and visions for a direct and fair online advertising market, which could be possible due to the advantages of blockchain technology. Martin Stoev is the CEO and Co-Founder of AdHash. 10 years ago he graduated from the University of Cambridge and became a serial entrepreneur who has dedicated the past 8 years of his life to solving problems of the advertisement industry with the help of technology. With his previous company, Martin Stoev took Google to court. In a class action lawsuit in California he accused the internet giant of their illegal practices in the ad tech space. His engagement in this case made Google refund $75M back to advertisers. AdHash is a protocol for serving privacy-focused ads online. It eliminates the vast network of intermediaries who consume 70% of the ad spend today and who track every step we make online. Along with the other 17 members of the AdHash team, Martin Stoev is determined to reengineer the ad supply chain from the ground up and eliminate user tracking and ad fraud all at the same time. AdHash is a protocol for serving privacy-focused ads online. It eliminates the vast network of intermediaries who consume 70% of the ad spend today and who track every step we make online. Along with the other 17 members of the AdHash team, Martin Stoev is determined to reengineer the ad supply chain from the ground up and eliminate user tracking and ad fraud all at the same time. AdHash is a protocol for serving privacy-focused ads online. It eliminates the vast network of intermediaries who consume 70% of the ad spend today and who track every step we make online. Along with the other 17 members of the AdHash team, Martin Stoev is determined to reengineer the ad supply chain from the ground up and eliminate user tracking and ad fraud all at the same time.