Investing in digital assets brings new challenges. The situation is similar to that on the financial market before the introduction of ETFs. There are a large number of individual values (now more than 5,000 different crypto values), many trading places outside of Germany and technological hurdles, such as the safe custody of digital assets. ETFs and products that simplify access to ETFs have changed private investments substantially. coindex, the first German platform for index-based investment and savings plans in crypto assets, also wants to bring about such a change. Coindex is explicitly aimed at passive investors ("savers") and applies established recipes for success of classic capital market investments to the crypto market. Like an ETF, an index-based portfolio from coindex automatically and data-driven maps the development of the entire crypto market. The CEO and founder of Coindex Kai H. Kuljurgis is working on a solution by offering index-based portfolios mastering the challenges of investing in digital assets and thus contribute to the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.