Santa Meyer-Nandi

Co-Founder at Die Klimawette

#Keynote #Speaker #Trainer#Sustainability #Sustainability #Blogger 2018




Why you should listen

My mission in life is to positively tackle climate change through sharing my expertise and cutting-edge techniques to a) offer pathways (the "hows" & "whys") to sustainable behaviour change, b) support resilient, sustainable and happy mindsets, and c) accompagny my clients in designing their corporate structures & lives in a way that is in tune with their deeper purpose and the planet's ressources. An environmental lawyer at the base and having organised and undergone various FindingSustainia self-challenges alongside our growing community, I have acquired a vast and unique repertoire of theoretical and hands-on knowledge on sustainable lifestyles and alternatives, lifehacks as well as techniques for happiness, i.e. "inner" sustainability. I have created a thriving profession out of my own passion to find ways to integrate sustainability as a win-win for the planet and individual. Today I am a sought-after keynote speaker, writer and coach around sustainability, mindset and change.

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